the early 80s, I recognized that I was working with a client
had multiple personality disorder, now called dissociative identity
disorder (DID). I attended the very first international conference on
the disorder in 1984, and subsequently got as much additional training
as I could in order to understand, treat and diagnose this disorder.
As I developed expertise, I began to make presentations on
DID at
international, national, regional and state conferences. I
to test hypotheses by doing research and eventually developed the
perceptual theory of dissociation to explain how dissociative
experiences occur. I conducted many experiments that
supported my
theory. In the 90s, I was one of the few academic
in the USA doing
research related to DID and training
doctoral students to work clinically with it. I summarized my
theory and
research in two chapters in the definitive book by Dell
& O�Neil (Eds.) (2009), Dissociation and the
Dissociative Disorders: DSM-V and Beyond.
New York: Routledge. In 2019, I was asked to update my two chapters into a single one for the second edition of Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders. The book should be published in 2021.
In relation to dissociation, I have 11
refereed publications and 39 presentations at professional
got involved with the governance of the International Society for
the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD),, in the 90s
and served as
Chair of the
Membership Committee. I later served on the Board of
(1999-2002). In 2007, ISSTD presented me with their
Achievement Award.
After retiring from CMU, I moved to Northern
Kentucky and began a full time clinical practice. At the same time,
I taught
courses to mental health professionals on the treatment of
dissociation. Specifically,
I taught Regular, Advanced and
Master courses for over 10 years. These
courses were for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and were
developed and administered by ISSTD. They generally met monthly
for 9 months. During this time, many mental health
professionals across the country sought me out for clinical
consultation with their dissociative clients.
the past 30 years, a significant body of research has validated the
existence of dissociation and unearthed the conditions that lead to the
disorder. Dissociative individuals have different EEGs and
different physiological responses than non-dissociative individuals.
Almost always, severe childhood trauma is a precursor to
dissociation. Difficulties with attachment are strongly
associated with later dissociativity. It is estimated that
10% of the
population are likely diagnosable with a dissociative disorder, and
between 1-3% with dissociative identity disorder. Unfortunately,
knowledge of the research base about and having clinical training to
work with the dissociative disorders is almost non-existent in
psychiatry, psychology, and social work programs, textbooks, and
training programs.
Updated April 26 2020