I started learning TaiJi in 1975
from Hubert H. Lui. Beginning in 1978, I coordinated 21 annual
TaiJi workshops (from two to five days long) led by three
Masters: “Al” Chung-liang Huang (author of the classic, Embrace Tiger, Return to
Mountain, Real People Press, Moab, UT, 1973) (https://livingtao.org), Dr.
Zaiwen Shen (a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and of Physiology), and
Hubert H. Lui (author with Horowitz and Kimmelman of T'ai Chi Ch'uan: The Technique
of Power, Chicago Review Press, Chicago, 1976).
Prior to my retirement, I was invited to
lead or teach TaiJi at 11
workshops, and I taught TaiJi as a regular credit-bearing
course at Central Michigan Univerity.
also learned TaiJi for Arthritis from Dr. Paul Lam, an Australian
Family Physician, and author of many books and developer of many
instructional DVDs. (http://usa.taichiproductions.com)
I have been a Certified Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor and
taught it to students at the St. Elizabeth Hospital's Holistic Health
Center in Edgewood, KY., where, for 4 years, I also
taught the Five Elements, the Five Precious Jewels and Mr. Lui's Short
A most
result of the 21 annual workshops and classes is that there are now
many TaiJi teachers and classes in Michigan, and TaiJi masters are
leading regular workshops in the state near Mt. Pleasant.
Hands Michigan is a group that blossomed from the 15 years Mr. Lui led
his workshops
I began learning TaiJi, it was almost unknown in this country. Forty
years later, most people have heard about it. It is a wonderful
and challenging practice. Most recently, research has begun
show that Tai Chi is helpful for balance,
arthritis and other health problems. The
Chinese extol its virtue for maintaining health.
I began teaching
TaiJi at the Ethical Society of St. Louis in November 2015.
Before the pandemic classes met on Tuesdays at 5:15 pm in the Hanke
Room. Everyone was welcome. Participants do not have to be members. We
asked for at most a $5 donation to support the society.
classes are held through Zoom, Fridays at 10 a.m. Central time. They
are free. Go to this link to join the class: Zoom
link for Tai Chi.
Enter the following
meeting code to join the class
689 504 8279
The calendar can be
found at http://ethicalstl.org
Updated Feb 5 2025
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